Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Good Advice Is Where You Find It...

This isn't going to be a long post. But I just read an incredible article, with lots of useful advice and information for every blogger. And the amazing thing is that I read it on "The Cleveland, Ohio Real Estate Blog"! Take a few minutes and read: http://www.youshouldown.com/2007/06/websites-and-real-estate.asp, by Cecelia Sherrard. Take notes. This one has some great ideas, written from an interesting perspective. Well worth ANY blogger's time.

Sorry I haven't been here much lately. I've been working on the 100th post at one of my other sites: AFTER MIDNIGHT [http://aftermidnightpage.blogspot.com].

Once that celebration wraps up, I'll make it up to you, I promise. We'll all go for ice cream...

-Mike Riley

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